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What's a healthy breastfeeding diet?

If you’re breastfeeding, a healthy breastfeeding diet is important as it can affect your baby as much as you. Get tips on what not to eat when breastfeeding and what to eat when breastfeeding.

2 mins to read Aug 15, 2022

1.    Eat a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of fiber.  
2.    When it comes to fruit and veg, aim for at least 5 servings of fruit a day, and 7 servings of vegetables a day. For example, 1 serving of fruit could be an extra small banana, 1 cup of raspberries, or 17 grapes. 1 serving of veg could be ½ cup of cooked vegetables such as broccoli, ½ cup of cooked canned tomatoes, or 1 cup of raw vegetables, such as carrot.  
3.    Limit caffeine when breastfeeding as it may keep baby awake.  
4.    It’s best to avoid drinking alcohol and breastfeeding altogether.  
5.    If you’re exclusively breastfeeding, you’ll need an extra 330 calories of healthy food a day for the first six months.  
6.    Aim for 10 servings of grains a day. For example, 1 serving = 1 slice whole-wheat bread, 1/3 cup cooked rice, or ¾ cup ready-to-eat unsweetened cereal.  
7.    Drink 6-8 glasses of fluids—preferably water—a day. It’s a good idea to have a drink by your side when you’re breastfeeding.  
8.    Aim for 7 servings of protein-rich food a day, such as lean meat, chicken, eggs, nuts, seeds, and pulses, which are good sources of iron. For example, 1 serving is 30g (1oz) meat, fish, or poultry, or 1 egg.  
9.    Aim for 4 servings of dairy or suitable plant-based substitutes a day, for calcium and protein. For example, 1 serving is 1 cup milk or 1 cup plain yogurt.  
10.    Take a daily breastfeeding supplement with 10 micrograms of Vitamin D.  
11.    Avoid eating fish high in mercury such as shark, swordfish and marlin.  
12.    Oily fish such as mackerel are great but try not to eat more than 2 servings a week.  
13.    Prepare healthy nibbles before you go to bed to snack on during night feeds.   
14.    Take our Breastfeeding mom’s diet quiz to put your eating habits to the test! 

Learn more on the benefits of breastfeeding milk.


SMA Baby (2022) What to eat when breastfeeding, Newborn | SMA Baby.  

Pregnancy and Baby breastfeeding diet (2022) NHS choices. NHS.  

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